“ Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I’m going to take tomorrow. --Imogen Cunningham

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A stroll down memory lane

I love this song by the one and only Madonna. This song totally depicts this blog and every time I hear this song, I reminisce about my childhood friends and places and miss them very much. I wish we all didn't have to grow up. When we are young, we want to be old and when we are old, we want to be young.

***You HAVE to CLICK this before reading on....Let the song play while reading. This song pretty summons up this whole blog!


I've been driving by this park lately and every time I drive by it, it reminiscence all the memories that I had about this park, this area. It's been too long, away from this park even though I live in the same city. I've told my self time and time again that one day, I will have to take a stroll down this park again and see how it feels like now. I have to say, I had the best memories of this place..meeting new friends, making friends, playing, singing, dancing, rendez vu with everyone, biking, walking/hiking and most importantly......meeting guys. LOLS!!!!

I finally decided that today was the day that I wanted to go walking down this park and take pictures. This park holds the utmost memories for me and I'm sure to all my child hood friends too. Arbutus Park is the famous park that we all go and gather to gossip and play volleyball, soccer, kickball. Good times, good times. As I was walking and taking pictures (mostly just taking pictures), I could hear the echos of our voices in the park, we were all so young and innocent then. We would stay until dark there and go home very late. When I think about it now, it's creepy and I would never allow my kids to go down to this park alone. But back then was different. We didn't have a care in the world to ever even remember being scared. I loved that park..I truly did. Whether I was sad or happy, meeting someone/friends or just wanted to be by myself, I would go to this park. It was my get away from it all.....to be free and to be happy, to be innocent and free.

Below are the pictures that I managed to snap while taking this stroll. Of course, this park is kinda creepy so I had my husband go with me. When it's a lot warmer outside I'll have to revisit this park again and maybe be in some of these pictures? Hehehehe. I'm sure everyone has a certain place/area that you can all escape to when you were young.

 The walkway from the back. I called this the back because I never really used this entrance. There is only two entrance the front or the back to this park. You couldn't drive into the park. You had to walk into the park. Surrounded by the park on both sides are a hillside and then houses that overlooks the park. In the summer time, you couldn't really see the houses because of all the trees.

 The front entrance of the park...a stairway leading down to the park.
 Above picture: The stairway. To the left of the stairway is the famous hill...we used to bring cardboard boxes and slide down the hill during the summer.
 Above picture: A view of the park from on top of the park/hill.
 Above picture: Staircase going down to the park. You see the bench? I used to sit there and wait for friends or just sit and sing/read to myself.
 Above picture: I LOVE THIS SHOT of this staircase from below.

 Above picture: A view of the park from the front (or the staircase).
 Above picture: The playground. Obviously they changed a lot of the playing equipments. I remember the big round metal thing that had swings on it where we would all sit and try to swing to the top or the middle of the round metal. We used to climb that dam thing too. I remember falling off of it a couple of times...hehehehe.

 Above photo: Ahhh...to be young again and ride on that.
 Above picture: The famous bench. We would sit on these bench and cheer the guys on while they were either playing volleyball or basketball.

Below pictures: My uncle's house right next to the school...Catholic Central. I still have dreams of this area, my uncle's house and this school playground. I also thought this would incorporate well with the above pictures and this blog too since a lot of memories also surrounded this place.

Above picture: Catholic Central. This was really the school that EVERYONE went to...It had Kindergarten through 12th grade. I really missed this school. Good memories on this playground during school and off school as well. I remember the boys would all ride their bikes to this playground and play kickball!

The things which the child loves remain in the domain of the heart until old age. The most beautiful thing in life is that our souls remaining over the places where we once enjoyed ourselves Tors Kahlil Gibran quotes

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